Spirit-Filled Life

Compelling Reason to Be Filled #4: We Need His Creativity and Orchestration in Reaching People for Christ

Compelling Reason #4: We need to pursue a deeper filling of the Spirit because we rely on the Spirit’s creativity & orchestration in our efforts to reach people for Christ.   I once heard Jack Hayford describe a vision he…

Compelling Reasons to Be Filled #2: We Need to Know WHOSE, and WHO We Are in Christ

Compelling Reason #2: We need to pursue a deeper filling of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit grows our confidence in Whose we are, and who we are, in Christ.   Jesus tells us, in John 4:21-24, that the Father…

Compelling Reasons to Pursue a Deeper Filling in the Holy Spirit, Introduction Part 2

The Mandate to Be Filled with the Spirit The purpose of this series of posts is to present to you several compelling reasons why you and I, and our churches and ministries, must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Paul…

Compelling Reasons to Pursue a Deeper Filling in the Holy Spirit, Introduction Part 1

Compelling Reasons to Pursue a Deeper Filling in the Holy Spirit – Introduction Have you ever sensed a need to be filled with more of the Holy Spirit’s power, presence, fruit, gifts, anointing, or boldness in your life? I remember…