Spirit-Filled Life

Black Lives Matter to God, and Should to All of Us

Black lives matter. That’s the truth. They matter to God, and they should matter to all of us. The reason I bring that up is to expose a conspiracy of global proportions against the black race that seeks to destroy them all. It’s not a conspiracy of white people or police officers. It’s deeper, broader, more sinister than that. It’s a conspiracy of the devil and his hordes of demons; it’s “the thief” that Jesus talked about in John 10:10, who comes “to steal, kill, and destroy.”

The black race has had an enemy target on it’s back for a long time. Here are a few examples:
1) Slavery, hateful racism, and violence against them in multiple nations, including the USA; 2) Genocide and “ethnic cleansing” in Africa and elsewhere; 3) The disastrous breakdown of the African American family (74% of African American babies are born into fatherless homes, up from 24% in the 1960’s); 4) The horrendous rate of abortions of black babies perpetrated by the demonic racist agenda of organizations like Planned Parenthood, whose founder Margaret Sanger wanted to exterminate all black people. More black lives are killed by abortion than all other causes of death COMBINED! 5) The demonic assaults on the health of black people, with clear evidence that the mortality rate from covid 19 pandemic kills a much higher percentage of blacks (at least double) than any other race; 6)The very high rate of black-on-black violence/crime, clearly devised and inspired by the devil; 6) The list goes on.

Don’t think for a second that all this is just coincidental. Or merely the result of human racism. No! These are evidences of a sinister demonic conspiracy against the black race. It is not of human origin. “We battle not against flesh and blood,” Paul writes, “but against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly realm” (see Ephesians 6:10-18). The devil is behind this onslaught of evil against our African American brothers and sisters; it’s primarily a SPIRITUAL battle, and it’s high time we realize it and that we join hands in Christ’s love and power and authority to deal with it as such!

The devil hates black people, but our Heavenly Father LOVES them. He cherishes them. They are beautiful in His sight. He wants to bless them and see them prosper and flourish. He wants to empower them to overcome the assaults of the enemy. Jesus came that they might have a life of abundance. My personal belief: I believe that God has an ENORMOUS CALLING on African American Christians. I believe that the devil knows this, and he’s trying hard to take them out, to steal, kill, deceive, destroy. But God will prevail.

I believe that God is going to raise up African American Christian believers who will expose the lies and hateful conspiracies of the enemy and lead the way to reconciliation, restoration, revival, and spiritual awakening. They will walk arm in arm with fellow believers and ambassadors of Jesus Christ of every ethnicity, speaking the truth in love, preaching and demonstrating the Gospel, showing the better way. The focus won’t be whites vs blacks or liberals against conservatives, but good against evil, light vs darkness, Jesus against the devil. And you know what? I have read the end of the Book:
☆☆☆☆☆☆ JESUS WINS ☆☆☆☆☆☆