Spirit-Filled Life

Truth or Bias – Which is more important to you?

Clay SpeakerWhich is more important to you – truth, wherever it leads, or ideological bias?

It’s very hard to be consistent in our deeply held convictions. I have some good friends who are ideologically conservative and some who are ideologically liberal. It’s a mystery to me how earnest Christians who read the same Bible and have the same Holy Spirit in their lives can end up so diametrically opposed to one another on major issues. That can be frustrating, but I realize we’ve got to learn to try to understand and listen to each other’s viewpoints.

What’s particularly frustrating to me, however, is when we Christians allow ideological or political bias to become more important to us than the truth. It’s easy to believe the worst about a person or group or political leader, whether Obama or Trump, for example, if you oppose them on ideological grounds. Who needs facts? So many are ready to believe and pass on extreme info or articles about things they agree with, without checking sources or facts. In so doing, we deepen the divisions and hostilities that are tearing our society apart.

Christians, as God’s redeemed and reconciled people, can be a source of love, hope, and healing for our country. But not if our biases are more important to us than truth. Integrity requires that we are committed to follow the Spirit of truth, wherever He resides, wherever He leads.