Spirit-Filled Life

Skin Color and Accountability to God

No one should be made to feel superior, inferior, guilty, or ashamed because of the color of their skin. As MLK taught, we look to the day when we will be trans-ethnically united, valuing the content of our character more than the color of our skin.

We have all been given a sphere of influence, a degree of persuasive power. Whatever our race, we have a stewardship before God how we use that influence. Do we use it for our own self-interests and the selfish pursuits of my family, my race, my tribe? Or do we use it in the cause of righteousness and love and justice, interceding in behalf of others, including most specifically the least and last and lost, with whom Jesus so closely identified?

When we stand before God, who loves all of us – all ethnicities and people groups, so much that He sent His Son to die for our failures, we won’t be held accountable for the color of our skin; we will be held accountable for what we did with what He entrusted to us.