Spirit-Filled Life

Discernment Needed: Jesus’ Followers and the BLM Movement

It’s important that we who are followers of Jesus be discerning and wise in relation to our commitment to racial justice and reconciliation. We must oppose racism in all its forms, directions, and expressions. We wholeheartedly affirm that all black lives matter, including those in the wombs of their mothers.

However, we must clearly distinguish between our commitment that all black lives matter on the one hand, from the BLM movement on the other. Some Christians, because we love people and care about justice, are vulnerable to being “guilt-ed”, manipulated, and herded into supporting the BLM movement, which is in many respects hostile to, and undermining of, our faith, as well as our country.

Some say that it’s an important time to listen. That’s so true. But listening is more than hearing sounds. In addition to seeking to understand and empathize, it also must involve discerning, evaluating, clarifying, and guiding with truth in a loving spirit. We can’t be merely bystanders and sympathetic listeners while our country is in danger of unraveling and our biblical faith is being undermined in enormous ways.

Dear Lord Jesus, please grant us Your discernment and wisdom for this hour, and the courage to be Your ambassadors, speaking the truth in love and pointing to You as the only One who can redeem our souls from death and hell and bring us all together as sisters and brothers. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.