Spirit-Filled Life

Racism and Calling People “Racists”

Love & ReconciliationJudging people by the color of their skin is wrong, plain and simple.

Believing that one race is superior or inferior is wrong. “In Christ there is no Greek nor Jew.” Racism should have no place among Christians or churches. It’s a betrayal, a distortion of the Gospel, contrary to the teachings of Christ and the Scriptures. Racist jokes and comments are vile and disgusting, not representative of Christian values. God loves every race and people group on the planet. As His ambassadors, His representatives on the earth, we must make clear by our lives and lips and values that God loves and values everyone. Our lifestyles and laws must reflect this.

Having said this, it’s also important that we be careful not to misuse the word “racist.” Throwing that word around as a political weapon against ideological enemies is as clearly wrong as the sin of racism itself. Playing “the race card” is all too common now as a means of silencing or intimidating ideological opponents and of deflecting from the real issues.

God loves the masses of people trying to get into our country. He also loves the border guards and law enforcement officers and officials who are trying to protect our country and enforce border laws. Hammering out compassionate and responsible laws governing our borders and our treatment of asylum seekers will require people working in good faith together. It doesn’t help the situation to toss around accusations of racism against people simply because they happen to believe that there should be border laws, reasonable immigration policies, etc.

As Christians, we should be agents of good will and reconciliation, especially in crises such as the ones we’re facing today. To make a significant and positive impact for Christ, we must not allow ourselves to be drawn into the same ideological battles that are tearing apart our country. It will clearly take a miracle of God to turn things around.