Spirit-Filled Life


Clay Speaker
We’re called to both DEMONSTRATE, as well as ARTICULATE, the Gospel, in LOVE-TRUTH-POWER!


As ambassadors for Jesus Christ in this world, we are called to both articulate and demonstrate His LOVE, His TRUTH, and His POWER. In Romans 15:18-19, the Apostle Paul tells us that he fully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ by “word” (TRUTH), and by “deed” (LOVE), and in the Holy Spirit’s powerful “signs and wonders” (POWER). All three of these: LOVE-TRUTH-POWER, are essential components of the Gospel message.

There are many today who state that LOVE is the whole message. But love without TRUTH is inadequately defined and opens the door for all kinds of doctrinal deceptions and justifications for condoning sinful/unholy lifestyles.

TRUTH without LOVE becomes harsh and misrepresents Christ. POWER without TRUTH and LOVE gravitates toward elevating anything supernatural, and gives rise to a proliferation of new age and occultic heresies.

But LOVE and TRUTH without POWER are anemic, especially when we consider that: 1) Our God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – is powerful, and He can do anything! 2) Our world is in desperate need of His power to cope with the challenges of life. 3) Jesus commissioned us in John 20:21-22: “As the Father sent Me, so now I am sending you. And He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.'”

Bottom line: We must proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with LOVE-TRUTH-POWER!